Graduated from Fine Arts Department, CUHK, in 1980, Retailed secondary school art teacher. Secretary of The Alumni Association of Fine Arts Department of CUHK. Set up WongSirArt company, aim on inheriting the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting, Propagate chinese art rducation, displaying Chinese culture and Buddhist Art content. Keen on Chinese calligraphy and Chinese ink painting. Selected Calligraphy art work selected for Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial, Museum of Art, Hong Kong 1981. Writing chapters of Chinese calligraphy for a secondary school art textbook Exploration of Arts & Design (3) . His paintings are on display or in collections in Fine Arts Department of CUHK and in a number of private institutions.
2023 參展「獅島香江筆墨情」-新加坡
2023 參展「慈心緣」師生藝術展
2022 以「黃sir字畫」名義參加第四屆「一路一帶國家文藝術交流博覽會」展出作品。
2017 香港中文大學藝術系六十周年暨系友會三十五周年作品展
2016 「七九拾藝」79年畢業同學作品展
2016 荷蘭藝術節"East meets West"展覽
2016 中大藝術系系友作品展澳門
2013 「臺港藝緣」中大藝術系系友及台灣國立臺北教育大學藝術系校友聯展
1981-2013 中大藝術系系友展
2008 中大藝術系系友寫生展
2003 新亞精神在新亞師生書法聯展
1997,98,99,2000 「水墨石」中大藝術系系友書畫印章藝術展
1993-1995 香港中文大學藝術系系友書法展
1988 「中國詩意畫」個展
1986-87 形彩八六/八七
1983-1985 研藝畫室師生展
1981,85 香港當代藝術雙年展
2023 "Singapore Hong Kong Joint Exhibition of Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy"
2023 "Benevolence Relationship " Joint Exhibition 2023 "International Culture,Tourism & Intangible Cultural Heritage Exhibition
2022 "Classics Revisited Classics Reinvented" Exhibition
2022 Wong Sir Art Joint The 4th Hong Kong Int'l Arts & Collectibles EXPO
2017-23 AAFAA Art Exhibition 2017
2016 79’Graduates Exhibition, Fine Arts Department CUHK
2016 Macau Art Exhibition of CUHK AAFAA
2015 Amsterdam Art Exhibition of CUHK AAFAA
2013 Joint Exhibition of Alumni of Fine Arts Departments of CUHK and Taiwan Institutions.
1981 – 2013 Alumni Art Exhibition of Alumni of Fine Arts Departments of Chinese University of Hong Kong,
1997-2000 “Water Ink Stone” Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Exhibition,
1988 Contemporary Chinese Ink Paintings, Individual Exhibition,
1981, 85 Contemporary Hong Kong Art Biennial, Museum of Art, Hong Kong,